Let's recap...
During the third quarter, I learned a lot in ict, I also discovered a lot of different tags especially in html frames, nested list, ordered list, unordered list and many others, as well as community-based research or CBR. I learned a lot in cbr, like helping my group to make code for our homepage in our research, I know I struggled a little bit and it was not that easy to fix the codes because we had to do research just to fix our little coding problems but we managed it as a team.
One of the problems or challenges I faced was managing my time at school such as doing research and at the same time the piles of assignments or reviewing for our quiz the next day, I had a hard time figuring it out. For instance, another part of my problems in ict while doing our research was sacrificing going to my classmate's house for a few days to finish our research early even though at that time I was feeling tired. But in those days, I knew I had to do that for my studies and to improve my grade.
Even though I went through that, I overcame it with dedication and being a responsible student. I learned that having time management is very important and helped me a lot to overcome the challenges I faced in the third quarter.
Moving on, I will try my best to improve what I learned in the third quarter and I will try to expand my knowledge so that I can learn more and sharpen my mind. Because I know that in the future I can use them to help me in what I do, I also learned that the problems and challenges in life strengthen our will to keep fighting.
That's all about my 3rd quarter journey! ;)
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